Plants of a Feather Grow Together

One of the best ways to ensure your plants are getting good humidity, (and community!) is to group them together. They should still have room to breathe, so you want them to be together but not crowding each other. To take your plant grouping to the next level, use empty vases, bowls, or other objects to create different height levels and reduce overcrowding.

If your house is more dry and you notice the leaves of your plants are getting brown and crispy, you might need to increase the humidity. Place a saucer with pebbles in it and fill it with water just to the tops of the pebbles. *This will create a dome of humidity that your plants will love. If your plants still want more humidity, it might be a good idea to look into a humidifier. Similarly to grow lights, humidifiers come in so many different shapes, sizes, functionality, and affordability these days, so you shouldn’t have a problem finding one that works for you.

Grouping plants together creates so many opportunities for creativity. Have fun with picking planters and pot covers. This is one of the greatest ways to personalize your plant care and play with your plants.

It’s important to remember that plants grow and change just like we do. Don’t get too comfortable with how you arrange and pot your plants because eventually, your arrangements must change.

Think of it as exploring perspective. When we change, whether it’s internally, externally, or both, we are forced to explore new perspectives. This can be an uncomfortable experience - one humans often go to great lengths to avoid. But if we can accept the discomfort and uncertainty of change, we open the door to a universe of possibility and play.


Remembering Our Resilience


To Grow is To Let Go