Low light levels? no problem. all plants need light but some tolerate lower levels than others so if low light levels have kept you from bringing plants into your home, you came to the right place.
What does ‘low light’ even mean? Well, it certainly doesn’t mean NO light, but if that’s your situation, grow lights can help. Low light in a room with a window means you are just barely able to read. Winter, (at least in Pennsylvania), means most rooms have low light no matter what. My rule of thumb is, when in doubt, get a grow light! Most grow lights these days come with timers and various light level settings, not to mention they can add some really nice ambience to a room.
low light plants
Some of the most successful low light plants are
ZZ Plant
low light complications
Low light can lead to several risky situations for plants. Mold and fungus love the dark and can grow shockingly fast. When low light becomes an issue for multiple days, keep a close eye on the soil. Regardless of mold and fungus, plants require light to live so if low light is an issue where you live, grow lights are a must.
My favorite grow light
My favorite grow light is made by Mossify. The light is soft but powerful and has various light and time settings. One of my favorite qualities of this grow light is the great range of height levels it can achieve and how sturdy it is at its highest.